Research Articles 2018


 S.N.  Name of the Authors  Title  Name of the Journal  Year of Publication; volume(issue) Page no. 
1 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. K.S. Karbhal Dr. M.K. Dash Dr. Kavita Dr. Gajendra Sahu  A Review on Rasadhyaya : It's importancue in Alchemy  International Journal of Green Pharmacy  2018 Vol - 2 
2 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. K.S. Karbhal Dr. M.K. Dash Dr. Mridu Sanjana Kujur  Factors affecting efficacy during raw material collection  International Journal of Green Pharmacy  2018 Vol -12 
3 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. Amzad ali Ansari Dr. M.K. Dash  A review on factors affecting the Avaleha Kalpana during it's preparation  International Journal of Green Pharmacy  2018 Vol -12 
4 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. K.S. Karbhal Dr. M.K. Dash Dr. Archana  A classical vehicle for drug administration Anupana  International Journal of Green Pharmacy  2018
5 Dr. Alka Bhagat Dr. Ashok Kumar Dr. Saroj Parhate  Imporatance of Pharmacovigilance  Word Journal of pharmacy & pharmaceutical science  2018 7 (5) 494 - 497 
6 Dr. Alka Bhagat Dr. Ashok Kumar Dr. Saroj Parhate  Role of Shodhana Karma in improving efficacy of Rasadravya  STM (Journal of Ayush Ayurveda,yoga, unani, siddha, & homeopathy)  2018 7 (1) 33-36 
7 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. Thakur Rakesh Singh Dr. Prashant Bedarkar Dr. Biswajyotipatgiri  Extraction of Parad from Hingula, A Traditional Ayurvedic method  World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research  2018 Vol -7 
8 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. Thakur Rakesh Singh Dr. Amzad Ali Ansari  Critical review on Sneha Kalpana w.s.r. to Kalyanaka Ghrita  Int. J Ayu Pharm Chem  2018 Vol – 12 
9 Dr. S. M. Parhate Dr. T.R. Singh Dr. Amzad Ali Ansari  Conceptual study of factors influencing the dose and mode of administration of Rasayan w.s.r. to Triphala Rasayan  International Journal of Green pharmacy  2018 Vol – 12 
10 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. K.S. Karbhal Dr. Gajendra Sahu  Quality control and Standardization of Bhasma  International Journal of Green pharmacy  2018 Vol - 2 
11 Dr. Parhate S. Dr. Anil Kumar Dr. Thakur Rakesh Singh Dr. Ankesh Sharma Dr. Swati Dubey  Importance of Puta in Rasashastra – A review  International Journal of Research in Ayurved pharma  2018 Vol - 9 
12 Dr. Parhate S. Dr. Anil Kumar Dr. Thakur Rakesh Singh Dr. Ankesh Sharma Dr. Swati Dubey  Critical Review of Shodhana and Marana with special Reference to Rajata  Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and herbal medicine  2018 Vol - 6 
13 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. Manish Kumar Patel Dr. Archana Dr. Lalchand  Pharmaceutico Analytical Study of Tuttha Satva  International Journal of creative Research Thoughts  2018 Vol - 6 
14 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. Manish Kumar Patel Dr. Narottam Dr. Archana Dr. Lalchand  Vasant Kusumakar Rasa- A Best Antidiabetic Drug in Modern Era- A Review  International Ayurvedic Medical Journal  2018
15 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. Manish Kumar Patel Dr. Narottam Dr. Archana Dr. Lalchand  A Comparative Pharmaceutical Study on Mridu and Khara Satvapatana w.s.r. to Tuttha Mayura Piccha and Bhunaga Satvapatana  International Ayurvedic Medical Journal  2018
16 Dr. S. Parhate Dr. K.S. Karbhal Dr. Gajendra Sahu  A Review on concept of Kupipakva Rasayana  International Journal of trend in scientific research and development  2018 Vol- 3 
17 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. Manish Kumar Patel Dr. Archana Dr. Lalchand  A Pharmaceutical Study of Tuttha Satvapatana w.s.r. to Mridu Satvapatana  World Journal of pharmaceutical Research  2018 Vol -7 
18 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. Manish Kumar Patel Dr. Archana Dr. Lalchand  Comparative Analytical study of Tuttha Satva Mayur Piccha Satva & Bhunaga Satva  World Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences  2018 Vol - 7 
19 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. Manish Kumar Patel Dr. Archana Dr. Lalchand  A Pharmaceutico Analytical study of Mayurpiccha Satva  World Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences  2018 Vol -7 
20 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. Manish Kumar Patel Dr. Archana Dr. Lalchand  Serum Lipid profile based clinical study of Murcchita Ghrita  International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research  2018
21 Dr. Saroj Parhate Dr. Manish Kumar Patel Dr. Archana Dr. Lalchand  A Pharmaceutico Analytical study of Bhunaga Satva  Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated medical science  2018 Vol -3