DR. Nikhil Ranjan Nayak, Professor ROGA NIDAN & VIKRITI VIGYANA
Father's Name DOB UG Qualification (University & Year) PG Qualification (University & Year) Date wise details of Experience in chronological order
(1st Appointment to till date)
Department (Subject) Nature of present appointment (regular/ contractual/ deputation/ part time / adhoc) Permanent Residential Address Name of State Board & Registration code No.
Duration (d/m/y) Designation Name of the college
Shri. Narendra Nath Nayak 01-09-1973 B.A.M.S. 1998 Utkal University M.D. 2003 Rajasthan University Jaipur 29-09-04 to 31-03-06 Lecuturer SSN Ayurved College, Paikmal
Rajivlochan Ayurved College, Durg
Govt. Ayurvedic Coll. Raipur, (C.G.)
Rognidan Regular Panchshil Housing Society, Borasi Durg, C.G. CGAUPCB, RAIPUR
01-04-06 to 02-10-2011 Reader
03-10-2011 to 11-03-13 Reader
11-01-2017 to Till Date Professor Govt. Ayurvedic Coll. Raipur, (C.G.)